Going Silent - Part 6


"Take that back!" he growled. "It's not too late!"

Elreth startled at the rage in his voice. He realized he was snarling at her and forced himself to calm. Sucking in a breath, he closed his eyes. "She just hasn't realized yet how… what she's doing to me. She got the wrong idea from your dad. She thinks… she thinks I don't need her anymore. And I do. Once she realizes—"

"Aaryn, look at me." Her Alpha power vibrated in those words and his eyes snapped open. She stepped up to him again, until her chest brushed his, but she didn't touch him with her hands. "I'm sorry I said too much too fast," she said. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's not that!" he insisted. "You just don't understand—"

"No, Aaryn. I understand. I do. And I hope I'm wrong. I'm here with you, okay. Whatever you need. I'm here."

A sob broke in his chest and he sagged.