Don't Look at Mine


Elreth's entire body tensed and her heart began to race so fast she prayed none of the elders were paying special attention to her to hear it.

No, no no no no no.

Aaryn had gone very still before Tarkyn's suddenly agitation, but his face gave nothing away. What would he do? Elreth found herself torn—the protective side of her silently urging Aaryn to simply lie, to not implicate himself in this before they'd established him in the hierarchy. Not to let these Anima know that they'd hidden anything. To let them deal with the consequences later.

And yet… her heart yearned for honesty. She didn't like hiding anything from these people who, she knew, despite their flaws, were good Anima of integrity, who sought to protect and guide all of the people towards health and wellbeing.

She didn't want to deceive them.

But she didn't want her mate vilified either.

She opened her mouth to step in, but Aaryn got in first.