Can You Do It?


They had determined the security patrols and guards, and planned the wider patrols by the time the guard returned with Gar.

Elreth braced when the door opened, knowing it had to be him, and uncertain how she felt.

She'd wanted to see Gar succeed. Wanted to see him be more for a long time. Wanted her father to see that he was more. But the moment Aaryn had said his name, everything inside her had flared with anger or fear.

Elreth loved her brother, and knew he had a good heart—and a much better head on his shoulders than he generally chose to display.

She also knew he was a match in an oil field when he wanted to be, and the idea that he'd hold such a position of influence—a position that required him to make decisions independently, and to bring the needs of his people to her, to challenge her if his people needed it… the very thought made her shudder.