Prophecy - Part 2


She wasn't sure when she'd gotten to her feet, but she faced her brother, Aaryn just a couple feet to her side.

Her head sang, her heart thrumming in her ears. She was aware of Aaryn and the elders staring between her and Gar.

Everyone was stunned. Uncertain whether to believe him. And, if they were anything like her, strangely certain that he was right.

Her brother was right. But she wished he wasn't.

Everyone remained silent and stared at her with eyes that demanded answers, demanded action. Except Aaryn. Aaryn looked at her with a gaze brimming in confidence and reassurance.

Then his fingers flashed. 'You can do this.'

She almost wept.

'I don't even know what "this" is,' she signed back, but kept her eyes on Gar, shaking her head slowly. "We need more information. We need to understand—"