Prophecy - Part 4


When Elreth finally stepped back her eyes were clear. She looked back and forth between her parents that were both staring at her, waiting, serious and concerned.

"Is it Aaryn?" her mother asked quietly. "His mother?"

"That too," Elreth said in a hush, her heart speared all over again by the pain her mate was facing. "But this… this is a lot bigger than that. I'm not here for my parents. I'm here for the former rulers. The Cohorts, Captain, and council leaders are at the cave—or they will be in a few minutes. I'm calling an emergency meeting. And we need you. Both of you. To learn what you know."

They looked at each other in surprise. Her father frowned down at her first. "But, Elreth, the elders know everything I did during my rule. I mean, I'm happy to contribute of course. But you need to show strength and—"