

As Tarkyn and the others began to ask questions about the travels and numbers, logistics, and security concerns, Elreth sat back. She should be listening, should be keeping herself focused. But she struggled to even think.

Next to her Aaryn had gone very still.

Anger flared in her chest. He should have told her! At least as much as he knew, she should have known. She shouldn't have been meeting this so blind. So utterly naïve to what had been happening.

Why? Why hadn't he trusted her?

But when she turned to look at him, she swallowed back the accusing questions that had bubbled to her lips.

Aaryn sat back in his chair, one arm bent up and his temple rested on his fist. To a casual observer he would look thoughtful and mostly relaxed. But she could see the lines of tension in his neck and shoulders, saw the tiny jiggle in his thigh as he fought tapping his heel.