Even God Rested

THANK YOU so much for your patience with our slowed releases, and your continued support for Elreth & Aaryn! I'm so grateful. 



Elreth walked the rest of the way to the cave in silence, chewing over what Aaryn had said, what it meant about her brother, her family…

It wasn't until they were walking through the door that she became aware of her surroundings, and Aaryn walking next to her, his shoulders slumped.

"I'm sorry," she said suddenly, taking his arm and pulling him to a halt. "This has been a helluva day for you and I've just been thinking about my own problems. I'm sorry. Aaryn… are you okay?"

He gave her that lopsided smile that she loved. "I'd rather focus on your problems than mine, he said. "Beside, really, your problems are my problems… holy shit. Can you believe all of this?"