Two Become One


Elreth's mouth fell open and she cried out with pleasure, her eyes flying wide. He'd cranked her knee up, hooked it over his hip and opened her. She would have been embarrassed, but then he'd entered her, and it was as if every nerve ending in her body fizzed to life and stood to applaud.

She gasped his name as he straightened, his jaw slack, his breath tearing in and out of his throat, but he watched her face, raking his eyes over her, watching her respond to the sensation of him from this angle, the long slide and answering roll.

He wasn't even kissing her, just watching her, his eyes roving from her breasts, to her throat, then her face.

She should have been embarrassed, but she shivered with pleasure, feeling every inch of him inside her, and trembling with the desire for more. Always more.