[Bonus chapter] Focus


Elreth dropped her elbows to the table and her head into her hands.

She was angry at her brother. And at her mother. And at her mate. All of them had hidden things from her and her father before her. But the truth was, she understood it, too. If this prophecy was true—and she believed it was—they had been right to hide it from her and Reth. And Aaryn had been right to listen to them and not tell her.

It still stung her pride, though.

And it didn't change the fact that she now had twenty years to catch up on in just days.

It was too much. There was just no way she was going to learn all of this tomorrow. She had to accept that. But decisions had to be made. Plans forged. That meant she had to choose which way to focus her attention. Which aspect of this shit-show to learn first.