The Path to Alpha - Part 2


Elreth smiled and her eyes welled.

"Thank you," she said softly. "And regardless, I want you to know, I know you were so right to be Alpha. I know you're a leader. I want to use that for all the people, not just the disformed."

Aaryn felt a little shaky on that given everything that had happened, but he nodded to accept the compliment. Elreth was very like her father, and very strong. Neither of them saw others as leaders unless they truly were. Perhaps when he'd found his feet again… perhaps he'd be able to find that confidence again.

But then Elreth sighed and sat back in her chair, letting go of his hand. "The thing I don't understand, is how you could be Alpha and not know all this about Protectors and the prophecy. I mean, what did they tell you about why they were training with the traverse?"