

Within minutes of her parents leaving, Aaryn could see that Elreth had hit her limit. She kept falling into deep thought, missing the conversation that was happening around her, and getting lost even when she did try to speak.

He waited for her tell Gar and Tarkyn to leave, but as soon as she'd answer a question or find her way through one thing, she would disappear into deep thought again. He knew nothing the males were saying was getting in for her, and that just meant they were wasting time.

"Stop," he interrupted Tarkyn and Gar debating the merits of revealing the entire plan to all of the disformed to speed the process of building more Protectors. "She's not following you and this is a discussion that she needs to be a part of."

Tarkyn and Gar both turned to look at Elreth who was frowning at the tabletop, her lips moving like she was speaking to herself, but no sound coming out.