Quiet Down


Elreth closed the cave door quietly and turned to walk out of the cave and into the meadow, trying not to sigh.

Aaryn hadn't slept. She'd woken twice in the night to find him awake and staring at the ceiling. But when she'd asked, he'd just shushed her and told her to go back to sleep. She'd slept curled up on him, and his arm had never relaxed—he'd never stopped holding her. She wasn't sure whether to be comforted by that or not. But at some point before dawn he'd finally slept, because when she woke with the lanterns, he was deeply asleep. It had taken a full minute to slide out of his grip and get out of the furs without waking him. She was just grateful that he'd stayed asleep until she was out of the room. He needed the rest.

She was going to miss having his support for the meeting with the elders. If he would have given it.