Need You Near


Neither of them spoke immediately as he ushered Elreth through the crowd and passed Gar at the end, whispering to his brother in law to please stop anyone following immediately.

Gar nodded, his face stern, then edged behind Aaryn as he tugged Elreth out of the market and outside onto the trails. There was some movement behind them, but he heard Gar's voice—calm, but insistent—as he took Elreth's hand and pulled her off the trail and into the darkness between the trees.

It was full dark now, the forest echoing silence in contrast to the uproar within the market. Aaryn almost took her back to the cave—his body was thrumming after watching her declare herself and her strength that way—but he knew she'd never agree. She'd told the Alphas an hour, but some of them would arrive early, hoping to have a moment to speak with her, or one of the elders first. They likely had half that time at best.