Right Now


Aaryn prayed none of the others were paying attention to notice how his heart pounded as he and Elreth walked out of the council building and farewelled the last of the Alphas. The entire night—four hours!—had been pure torture, watching her, smelling her, needing her… and having to let her mingle with all those males when all he wanted to do was get her alone somewhere and strip her naked and take her until she screamed.

When they finally clasped each other's hands and turned down the trail towards the royal meadow, Aaryn was beginning to sweat. His only saving grace was that Elreth seemed as tense as he was, just as urgent.

Neither of them spoke as they broke into a run down the trail towards home.

He'd intended to take her to the Weeping Tree, but he suspected that, like him, she didn't want to waste the extra time it would take to get there.