Love in the Calm


Elreth's breath caught, but she widened her stance to give him better access and he groaned.

"You want me," he whispered, reveling in the warm slickness that invited him into her body.

"I always want you," she whispered back. Then to his delight, she stopped breathing when he pressed, rubbing and rolling that bundle of nerves that so excited her. "Aaryn… please…" she gasped a minute later, trembling.

He flattened his hand against her stomach, pulling her into him as he played and stroked, reveling in her tiny whimpers and twitches, the way she suddenly grabbed for his hand on her stomach and clung, as if holding herself still in a storm.

Forehead leaned against her spine, Aaryn was beginning to pant. Elreth had already dissolved into short, high bursts of breath, her body trembling and going still as she climbed the wave towards her climax.