Quickly, Quickly


"We can't go this second!" Rika hissed. "I have to get that tool I told you about first—that will prove that what I'm saying is real. They aren't going to believe me otherwise."

Gar grunted. They'd talked about this once. What she'd need to bring to prove herself if it ever came to this moment. But the conversation had been little more than a bit of fun to her—a dream. He'd known it was far more likely that they'd have to do this than she thought, but he'd never imagined that they'd have guards on their heels. He thought they'd be fleeing humans.

Humans were easy.

Rika chewed her lip, thinking. "Why don't you wait here. Everyone will be asleep in an hour or two. I'll get my stuff together and sneak out when they're snoring—"

"We can't wait that long." Gar was emphatic. "It's too risky that the guards will get here. You have to get your things then leave with me. Right now."