Brother, Dear


El sat in her chair in the security building, arms folded, one leg swinging from the other impatiently.

A messenger had called her urgently. Gar had been found, and so had the human. Elreth's initial relief about both was now overwhelmed with tension.

What had he learned? Why had he left? Was he hurt? Were the humans already invading? Her skin crawled as an image appeared in her head of hordes of humans creeping through the WildWood towards them as they sat there, unaware,

She shook her head and cleared her throat. Aaryn turned to look at her, concerned. But he was tense too. Both of them were on edge. And the elders, too. They'd already been concerned, but sitting there waiting with Elreth wound tighter than a spring, her stress had become theirs. Now they all sat there in a pool of their own anxiety.

Elreth was sick of waiting. Where was her brother?