Another Kind of Male


Every time Rika thought she heard something wonderful, something that gave her hope, all her fears came rushing back.

She was in a strange world, with a strange man who was far too invested. She couldn't trust it. She wouldn't! She shook her head.

"Gar can't have feelings like you're describing when we've only known each other a few weeks—not if he's sane."

Elia tipped her head again, and an edge entered her gaze. "Don't you have feelings for him?"

"Well, yes," Rika spluttered, unable to believe she was having this conversation with her boyfriend's mother. Gar was her boyfriend… wasn't he? Rika pushed the thought away. "But I'm a woman. He's a guy. A big, strong guy. You just said he doesn't recognize his own feelings—in my experience, most guys like him… they can admit they're mad, and that's about it."