Hesitant Hearts


Rika stood in the doorway and watched Elia walk over to the other tree house and step inside. Then she turned back to face the meadow, and Gar. Who hadn't moved. He had to have heard them, but he didn't turn around, or say anything.

Rika swallowed hard, then pushed her shoulders back. Part of her wanted to run to him, to hold him, and kiss him and reassure him. But the bigger part of her was terrified of even the thought of that. She barely knew him!

So, she walked slowly, waiting for him to turn and look at her. But he didn't do it until she stepped into his peripheral vision.

He stood, his broad shoulders hunched slightly, the muscles in his chest and shoulders bunching under his shirt and his sleeves pulled tight on his biceps. His dark hair was mussed as if he'd been pushing his hands through it, and eyes when he turned were red and shining. Rika wanted to weep seeing the sadness in him.