The Threat

WANNA SNEAK PEEK? Are you reading QUEEN OF BEASTS but have never read FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE KING OF BEASTS? I'm looking for a couple volunteers to read a scene and make sure it gives enough information for those who don't have the background of KING. If you're one of those, and would like to read a minor spoiler scene ahead of publication, let me know! (You can just click comment at the bottom of this chapter.) 



Elreth held her breath, but when Jayah met her gaze she nodded again.

Elreth slumped. "Where were the Anima that he observed?"

"Deeper up the canyon, where the gateway is."

Elreth looked at Gar. "The Midnight Cliffs, I believe," he said quietly. "I'm not certain because I haven't been, but that's where the rumors pointed the disformed. To follow the canyon—"