Panic - Part 1


As the elders' voices rose in caution for the hasty decision and some of them rose to walk to Elreth, there was a thump behind him. Gar turned to look for Rika and found she'd stumbled on a chair, backing away, eyes so wide he could see the whites around them, skin pale and clammy, and her scent stinking with fear.

If she'd been a puppy she would have pissed herself.


"Don't touch me!" She took one step back, shaking her head, then another as every head turned towards her, every eye fixed on her. She stumbled as she turned, scrambling, panic rising in her chest.

She was here with these strange, massive people, and no weapon. Nothing. No way to protect herself.

Her eyes passed over Gar's as she turned away and his were pained and bright, pleading. But she couldn't… she couldn't do this. She couldn't be here. She shook her head and tried to run, stumbling against another chair and tripping.
