Decision Time


When everyone had travelled back to the royal cave, and they had the elders packed into the Great Room, and the disformed standing behind them, the messengers lining the walls, Elreth gave a quick prayer that her family would be able to join them soon, but she didn't waste a moment.

Rika wasn't the only one panicking.

Hannah and Marryk were traitors, and Elreth declared them so, to little protest. A few of the disformed wanted to stand in defense of Marryk, but he'd stunk of the voices.

How in the hell had they managed that? How had they hidden it?

Elreth turned to Aaryn and the disformed. "You said we could scent them!"

"We could. We have! And we did after they died. But clearly they had some kind of… something was different with those two. The connection to the voices had been masked. Whatever managed it, it stopped when they died."