The Rite of Veneration - Part 10


Gar could tell Rika had stopped breathing, yet her heart thumped rapidly in her chest. He squeezed her hand as the Anima stared at her, bemused, irritated, and some cases—mainly birds—raging.

They didn't understand what she'd said, and some of them were losing their patience for this intruder.

Gar sent up a silent prayer to the Creator to put his hand on both of them. Rika needed to stay calm, and Gar didn't want to lash out at anyone in her defense.

Turning his attention back to Rika, he murmured at her to breathe. But he scanned the crowd who were talking amongst themselves.

Rika wasn't being heard. He wanted to jump in for her, to explain using words they'd understand, but he couldn't break the Rite. If she gave testimony, she had to do it herself, without help. She couldn't be led.