

"What's going on?" Gar asked quickly, but Aaryn, too prideful to reveal his fear in front of a female who wasn't Elreth, looked down at Rika. He hoped she saw the apology in his eyes as she took the cue immediately and pulled out of Gar's grip.

Gar began to growl, but she gave him a soft smile and patted his chest.

"I'll start walking," she said quietly, eyeing the last of the crowd ambling through the entrance to the Hallowed Grounds. "I'm slow, you'll catch me."

Gar gave her a look like he was afraid she'd disappear, but she smiled again, then nodded and, squeezing his hand, started to walk, watching the crowd ahead of her carefully and keeping her pace slow so the disformed wouldn't notice her at their backs. Aaryn could smell her fear, but she didn't turn around. He admired her courage.

Gar watched her go, frowning, but then turned back to Aaryn.

"What's going on?"