Here with You

If you like music while you read, try "Right Here" by Ashes Remain. It's what I listened to while I was writing this scene!



"You were amazing in the Rite," Elreth breathed into his hair as he pressed her against the trunk of the Weeping Tree. Aaryn grunted and took her mouth.

When she'd first suggested coming here, he'd thought she was joking.

Turned out she wasn't. And the moment they'd pushed through the draping branches and leaves, she'd started unbuttoning her shirt.

He didn't know if it was the stress release from their victory, or just the sheer tension they'd been bearing for weeks now, but Aaryn felt like he was coming apart at the seams in all the right ways.

When Elreth turned around, her chin low, looking up at him through her lashes, and her shirt open, he'd howled and come after her.

Now their clothes were… somewhere on the ground and Aaryn had her pressed against the trunk of the tree.