Try Something


Gar and Rika dropped by the Market for an hour, but it was crammed with Anima, and everyone was drinking off their tension. Gar couldn't relax, worried that someone was going to touch or approach Rika. And besides, once he'd done the circuit of hugs and congratulations with the Protectors and seen that the peace of the Rite was holding, he only had eyes for her anyway.

He couldn't think of anything he'd rather do than walk in the quiet night with her.

Well, not many things, anyway.

So when the tables had been moved and the music and dancing started in earnest, he pulled Rika aside, weaving her through the tables towards one of the doors. He'd tried to find Elreth and Aaryn, but they weren't on the top table, and he couldn't easily see them in the crush. Who knew which elder might have pulled Elreth aside, or which tribe wanted her ear. So he'd told himself he'd find her in the morning when he met with Aaryn.