Come Closer


"I want you."

Gar's entire skin prickled, pebbling with goosebumps that washed over him in the wave of emotion accompanying those whispered words.

His grip on her hips tightened instinctively, but he forced himself to relax it, not wanting to scare her. But Rika didn't seem to even notice.

Pressing herself into his chest, her fingers clawing deliciously across his scalp, she kissed under his jaw, to his throat, her lips full and soft against his Adam's Apple. He shuddered again, his hips rolling instinctively against her.

She sucked in when his very prominent arousal, tight and uncomfortable in his leathers, pressed against her. But to his delight, she didn't freeze, or tense, but sank into the pressure, rubbing herself against him as she opened her mouth on his skin.

The mating call, low and gruff, vibrated in his chest and Rika made a little noise.