Different With You


Rika sighed happily through her heaving breath. Pinned under Gar's weight, hands still splayed in his hair, she kissed the side of his neck. "That was awesome!" she puffed.

Boneless and still panting, Gar grunted his agreement.

A minute later when he lifted his head to look down at her, she stretched, grinning. "I told you it wasn't sex that scares me."

"You did." He gave that lopsided grin, pressing the smile lines into one cheek. Leaning on one elbow, he rested his temple on his fist, using the other hand to stroke a sweaty strand of hair from her forehead.

"You didn't believe me."

"Not quite," he said, cupping her face and stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I love seeing you that way. I've never seen you quite so… free."

She snorted. "Free isn't in my vocabulary, Gar. I was just relaxed and that was all because of you."

He frowned. "I want you to be free, Rika."