Gotta Be a Dream


Gar woke curled around Rika, his arm over her waist and his hand cupped around her. Inhaling her scent, he opened his eyes to find them aching and grainy with lack of sleep. His heart was pounding. He'd been dreaming that the humans had already arrived and were sneaking up on them as they slept.

But it was just a dream. Wasn't it?

His body didn't think so. What was wrong? He listened, but there was no sound.

Tightening his grip around Rika he screwed his eyes closed, buried his nose in her hair, and tried to force himself to sleep again. But his body was tense. Poised. He'd heard something. But was it in the dream, or here?

He lay still for a few more breaths, but his eyes kept opening on their own as if his body demanded he wake.