Promise Me


Gahrye leaned back in his seat at the desk, stretching, his hands on his face and elbows high. He'd been plagued by this tension for days, the swarm of nerves that churned in his stomach, and it was driving him crazy. He'd slept maybe four hours last night if he was lucky, accidentally waking Kalle when he decided to get up before the sun and go back to his studies.

It had seemed so wrong to not just lay there and hold her, to keep her close. But his only hope… that he was wrong… he had to find out. And the Creator wasn't cooperating. His gifts had given him only half the answers. He prayed the rest were in the histories.

He had to find out. Something just wasn't coming together, and he needed to understand. He had to! He couldn't make this call without being certain. But the window of time before he had to make the crossing was swiftly closing. And so, here he sat. And here, once again, he was confused.