Skin You Alive


Aaryn's entire body shuddered with the pure pleasure of her as they rocked together. He cursed, calling her name, his voice tumbling into the mating call and his hands clutching, clawing at her as he fought for control.

"Aaryn!" she cried, clawing at his back and arching to meet him as he thrust, desperate and hungry to take her again and again.

He'd meant to soothe her, to reassure her. He'd meant to make love to her. But they'd both lost all grip on their cords of restraint.

El's back was arched, her head stretched back, her throat the highest point offered, and open to him. Snarling for her, he opened his mouth on that smooth skin, sucking first, laving it with his tongue to keep the taste of her, then letting his teeth graze the line of her throat so she shivered and gave the mating call—which only made him more frantic as he howled his response. And all the while, they rolled together again, and again.