
If you like music while you're reading, try "Always Love You" by Say We Can Fly. It's what I was listening to while I wrote this (this has been Gahrye and Kalle's song since King of Beast days *wink*)



He sat at the dining table chewing a steak that tasted like sawdust in his mouth. Kalle sat at the end of the table to his left, staring at her plate. He thought she might have swallowed one green bean.

Reece had disappeared after he ran back to the house, and hadn't shown up for dinner. Kalle was more worried. She didn't understand. But Gahrye did. His son was like him. When Kalle got upset she wanted to be closer, touching. When Reece got upset he needed room and solitude.

Gahrye swallowed the mouthful and it almost came back up, but he gamely speared another bite of steak and put it in his mouth.