Gotta Be Sure


He almost dozed off. The world faded and Kalle's scent overwhelmed him, his breath the only noise, cushioning him against thought.

But then Kalle took a long breath and her voice broke through the bubble.

"Why didn't you tell them?" she asked quietly.

Gahrye deflated like a pricked balloon. "Why don't we just enjoy our night and—"

"No, Gahrye, I need to understand. You knew. You knew what they're facing—what we're facing. The two traverses answered the whole question. Why didn't you tell them?"

He sighed heavily and rolled off of her to lay, shoulder to shoulder, staring at the ceiling again.

Kalle didn't roll into his side, but turned her head to stare at him on the pillow. He didn't meet her eyes, because he was revealing his cowardice, and this wasn't the night he wanted to do that.