Last Chance


The guards had barely blinked when he and Reece stepped into out of the portal on the Anima side. Clearly Gar and Aaryn had warned them. 

As always, Gahrye was hit immediately by the scent of Anima—the fresh, humid air, the thick forest and wet earth. Sunlight on grass… It was the smell of home, even now, and always threatened to bring him to his knees.

His senses yearned for Anima. His heart remained in the human world.

Shaking off the inner conflict, Gahrye had led Reece through the cave and out into the forest. It was barely dawn, so they hadn't headed straight for the city. Instead they stood on the rise of the foothills to the west, where they were above the WildWood canopy and could watch the sun edge over the mountains on the other side of Anima.