Old Friends


Elreth could smell Uncle Gahrye the moment she stepped out of the cave, Aaryn at her shoulder. Her heart spun and dropped in the same moment.

She was finally going to get her answers.

She had a bad feeling she wasn't going to like them.

But she picked up her steps, Aaryn hurrying behind her. This was it. Finally. No more waiting. No more wondering. They were finally going to learn how they would beat the humans.

Following the scent trails—Reece was here too, which surprised her—she didn't even knock, just threw open the door to find her parents at the dining table with Reece and Gahrye… and all of them were laughing?

Her mother rocked back in her chair, tears rolling down her face. Even her father was grinning.

Gahrye looked like the joke must be on him, but he could enjoy it anyway, while Reece just looked startled.