Troubling News


It was the most surreal sensation to walk out into the Royal meadow in Anima and onto the trails through the WildWood.

They started deeper into the forest, rather than towards the City, and Gahrye wasn't sure if Elia, like him, was just following old patterns. Or if there was a purpose. All he knew was that twenty years ago, when they'd been training together, and before Reth knew about the Outsiders, they'd always taken these back trails. The ones that spiderwebbed out through WildWood and were rarely walked by the normal Anima who didn't want to avoid contact with others.

Neither Reth nor Elia spoke as they stepped into the shadow of the trees, and he knew it would be up to him to start this conversation.

And he knew he needed to keep his eyes on Reth.

He turned to invite Reth to walk on Elia's other side so they could see each other, when he caught sight of Reece walking twenty feet back, his eyes on Reth's back.