Just Breathe


As he stepped into the cave, Aaryn was caught by a couple Protectors looking for Gar. 

"Isn't he here?"

They shook their heads, but the question was answered when a thick palm landed on his shoulder and Gar, pale and tense, appeared next to him, his other hand holding Rika's tightly. 

"You okay?" Aaryn asked him quietly. Gar nodded. Aaryn would have double-checked, but then he finally caught sight of Elreth around the corner near the dining area, talking with Gahrye. 

Aaryn's heart thrummed. He hadn't liked the way Gahrye spoke about the news he had to share with Elia and Reth. But he'd been trying not to think about it. Now he wondered if Elreth was being filled in.