Strap In


So many things pressed on him in those silent, passing minutes. So many questions. So many responsibilities. So many demands. But he didn't move away, or press her. Suddenly, every second was precious, draining away and needed to be held, examined and appreciated. 

"We have to go," she whispered at some point. 

Reth nodded. "Not yet, though," he breathed. "Stay with me for a moment longer, Love. We have to... ready ourselves."

Her brows pinched. "Reth, I can't get ready for this."

"We must, Elia. This is war. Things are going to happen in ways and at times we can't anticipate. Take this moment we've been given, because when we return to them, we'll be giving ourselves. So take while you can. Because when we go back there we're going for our daughter and our son, and our people. But my heart is for you, Love. Always."