The Ticking Clock - Part 2


It was shock, Reth reminded himself. His own immediate response when Gahrye told them had been a surge of anger too. Anger was powerful. It didn't feel helpless. It didn't hesitate, or reveal weakness. 

It was instinct. 

So, instead of snarling back at his son, Reth held Gar's gaze and waited. 

Gar stared back, hard, as the others started talking to each other, Elia trying to quietly soothe Elreth,  while Aaryn looked on, eyes sad and pleading.

  "What is it, exactly, that you have to do?" Elreth demanded in the same tone she'd used as a child when she hadn't understood why her father had to take a trip to see the Bears that she'd been told were so dangerous. 

Elia went rigid and Reth's instincts urged him to step between her and the danger she faced. But he couldn't.

Holy fuck. He couldn't save her from this.