No Time Left - Part 1


They were in the bedroom of his Tree House discussing what they could afford to pack beyond clothing. Rika was concerned about keeping pace with the Anima, and Gar reminded her they would be carried by the birds to the edge of the WildWood. But that meant that they needed to be kind in their packing, too, thoughtful of the burden to their brother tribe.

"Brother tribe? You call the birds brothers after what they did?" Rika asked, surprised rather than angry.

The thought made Gar want to grind his teeth. The birds had very nearly stolen the Veneration from the Protectors. Remembering that still made him angry.

But it was the Anima way to accept what you could not change. And while some of the birds might still be a touch cold towards the new tribe, most had embraced them the moment the Veneration was called.