No Time Left - Part 6


Aaryn was in the market with Elreth, sticking to her side as promised, smoothing issues with panicking Anima, helping the elders find the people they needed, and backing Elreth when the elders pushed back on her hurried instructions.

The time had passed so quickly he wasn't even aware that they'd skipped the dinner meal until someone brought them plates of food that they ate while they stood in a circle with half the elders, debating the merits of keeping the healers in the market itself, or using that room for citizens coming from the outer regions. Elreth had quietly asked him to check whether the security council were all travelling to fight, and so the building would be free.

He'd found Tarkyn and Lhern and they'd agreed that the building would be best used for the healers.

It wasn't until he'd returned with that news to find Elreth in a hushed conference with the Women's Council that he had a moment to breathe.