Grateful Heart

If you like music while you're reading, try "I Want You Here" by Plumb. (Weep-worthy song alert!) Although the song is about a different kind of loss, the chorus perfectly hits the tone and heartache of Reth and Elia here, for me. Enjoy (sort of?)



Curled together, cradled by the hammock, Reth held Elia, legs tangled, and her head resting on his arm that curled over her.

It had been his one indulgence.

A timer had been placed on his life, on his mate, on his time with her. And so much of that time was going to be spent in flight. He hadn't been able to bear the idea of spending all those hours, just feet from her, but unable to touch or talk. So he'd indulged himself, he'd pulled rank. In the end, they'd given in easily.

He and Elia hadn't been required to take separate hammocks and bird pairs. They'd been loaded into a cargo hammock and were being carried by four birds, together, instead.