Take Me Always


All thoughts about wars or humans had left Gar's head. He wasn't worried about Protectors or Guards, or even his family.

For those breathless, beautiful minutes that she was in his hands, everything else sank to shadows behind the spotlight glare of her—the scent of her skin, the sound of her cries, and the warmth of her body's embrace. The embrace he still hadn't taken.

"Rika, are you—"

"Don't stop," she gasped, throwing her head back and digging her fingers into his ass, pulling him against her as Gar rolled his hips. He growled his approval and rewarded her with two, quick thrusts. Sliding over that bundle of nerves in her softest places, so she cried out, then he slowed again even though she whimpered a protest, tasting the skin of her offered neck, letting his teeth graze her collarbones, then stroking a hand down her side, her leg, to find goosebumps rising there as she rocked against him, seeking the joining.