Stand Your Ground


Rika could only stumble forward when, in the late morning sun, she found herself staring suddenly at a line of men with guns leveled at her and Reece, a second line of vehicles carrying more men at their back.

She blinked sweat from her eyes uncertain if this was real or if she was beginning to see things. The heat was more intense out here where the plains grass gave way to the desert. No cooling breezes, just hot air wafting to dry the sweat on her skin. No welcome shadows from the trees of the WildWood.

"Please!" she croaked, still taking halting steps forward. "We need help!"

"Stop right there!"

Reece caught her arm when she was about to take another step, and they both stopped, raising their hands.

"Please!" she let herself cry with the desperation and pain of leaving her mate, and the fear of not knowing these men, or what they might do. "Please, you have to stop. You have to prepare. They're coming!"