"Just rest brother," Reth rasped. "Conserve your breath."

The bird's face crumpled and he shook his head. "They're c-coming. C-could see... Run. Th-they're s-slow. T-trees and… water… east. Phyo w-will spread w-word—" He cut off, eyes widening and his body beginning to shake.

Reth put his arm around the male as he whimpered.

"C-can't sh-shift."

"Shhhh, quiet, brother. Don't use your air."

"D-dying… Reth. D-don't l-leave me for them… p-please…"

Reth, horrified, pulled back to meet the male's eyes.

Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, but much faster from his side. He grimaced, groaning in pain. His legs weren't moving. Creator's light!

"P-please, Reth."