Man Down


"I know it's a joke, but I mean it, Gar."

"Believe me. I know that's pure truth."

She watched him for a minute, her eyes on him felt like his mother's and that made him swallow.

"I miss my mate, as well," she said suddenly. "I fear for him. And if I allow myself to think of it… it can make me shaky." She looked down and took a deep breath. "But I cannot help him by being in fear. Or distraction. I know that."

"How do you deal with the not-knowing? I mean, what if she needs me and I'm not there?" Gar blurted.

Suhle gave a pained smile. "You have to accept that you cannot make it right. If it was wrong and you didn't know… it wasn't for you to know. That's what faith is, Gar. It's doing what you know to be right—what you know to be the Creator's truth—no matter how you feel, or how hopeless it looks."

Gar felt like he'd been thrown in a pool of cold water. "I… I hadn't thought about it that way."