[Bonus chapter] Thunder Rolls


It was the nausea that hit first. Still inside her own mind, her body twitched and her stomach rolled, threatening to empty itself. Rika swallowed and swallowed, drifting in and out of the darkness.

Then the darkness began to roll.

She couldn't open her eyes, or even move. But she slowly became aware of her surroundings. She was breathing exhaust fumes. The bed under her vibrated as if she lay in the back seat of a car—though she was far less comfortable.

Nausea threatened to make her vomit, but she didn't want them to realize she was awake.

The vehicle she was on rattled over a bump and someone swore. Rika risked barely cracking her eyelids to see where she was, and found herself in the back bed of one of those smaller vehicles that looked like a golf-cart with a truck bed attached.

A woman sat at her shoulder, her head turned away to look in the direction the vehicle was moving, her mouth turned down in a sharp frown.