
If you like music while you read, try "World So Cold" by 12 Stones. It's what I was listening to while writing this chapter.



The masking around the human army flickered and then died.

Gar didn't breathe, waiting for it to go back up. But two breaths later, it still hadn't.

Then Rika screamed and his heart exploded.

Gar didn't even think. He pushed up on his knees, blowing the horn for attack, and the Anima, who he prayed had had enough time to circle the humans, all rose from their hiding places—the Guards shifted, and started running into the shocked humans. The Protectors hung back two seconds, then scrambled forward, staying low to avoid notice and try to sneak among the humans while they were distracted.

With a roar, Gar leaped into his lion and galloped into the fray, vowing he would find her, or die trying.