All's Fair in Love and War

AARYN (Three Weeks Later)

Aaryn woke up with his snout on his paws, on the rise just above the portal in the gardens of the Big House. It was almost dawn, but still dark, and dew had settled on his coat.

Shaking his head, he stood and looked around, then reluctantly shifted back to human form.

He sighed. This kept happening. He couldn't sleep and had to be outside because when he was inside his body felt so tight his breathing constricted. Everything about that house felt unnatural to him, and though he spent many hours inside during the day, when the night fell he had to be free. The land around the Big House was large and rolling and despite the strangely manicured gardens, it felt better to be on the grass and under the trees. But none of it smelled right. He ended up running circles, patrolling the wall of the property every night until he grew too tired to take another step.