The End - Part 2


The Creator was beaming. "Every one of my children will come here, Reth. This is the life you were intended to have—this is the perfect paradise your heart has yearned for your entire life. This is where you'll find peace and perfect justice—and the utter absence of evil. Of course Behryn will be here! Behryn loves me. Life in the world is so painful. Yet he continues to choose love—for others over himself." The Creator shook his head, his eyes going soft. "All my children are my joy." Then he turned to Reth and His face got serious. He gripped Reth's shoulder.

"I know it was so difficult. It pained me every time you were hurt. And it thrilled me every time you chose right, and wisdom, and love anyway. I am so, so sorry you had to endure so much, Reth. But it was necessary. Please be certain, I did not bring any trial to your life that was not utterly necessary—and every step within it. Every ounce.